Saturday, 7 September 2013

Pastoral Parents Meeting 21 September

Pastoral Parents Meeting 21 September

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I am writing to invite you to the Year 9 Pastoral Parents Meeting on Saturday 21 September.  Parents will be listening to a talk by Mr Karl Hopwood, a specialist in online safety, which he will be repeating for pupils at 11am.  The itinerary for the morning is as follows:
9am to 9.30am                  Coffee

9.30am to 10.30am          Karl Hopwood talk to parents in the Old Vikings Room (the room off the Great       Hall)

11am to 12                       Karl Hopwood talk to pupils in the Old Vikings Room
Pupils will be free to go home after their sporting commitments as usual.

I do hope that you will be able to come to this important pastoral occasion and would ask that you email Sue Bond, the school secretary, so that we can organise catering and seating; her email is

With best wishes

Mrs Sarah Krause

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